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Фото: Pixel.ee

Светлые северные мотивы, скромная деревянная мебель, льняные шторы... Надоело? Попробуйте сделать по-другому.

Дом семейства Пати Робинс очень оригинален. Стены выкрашены в угольно-черный цвет, но интерьер не выглядит мрачным благодаря множеству весьма ярких деталей, пишет Kodu

И никакого минимализма: картины на стенах, комнатные растения, подсвечники, коврики, скульптуры... Кажется, что деталей даже слишком много. 

Вряд ли вы будете копировать этот интерьер, но посмотрите - вдруг какая-то мелочь окажется достойной повторения и в вашем доме. 

Hello @valsparpaintuk tempest teapot what a gorgeous shade ,having had a small paint ups moment this week i repainted my bedroom again , now dreaming of a warmer weather with some bargain @hm_home banana leaf print cushions that will soon be with us in the garden x Oh and @nickiekellydotcom will soon be having white school back in stock #elledecor #mypopofcolour #atmine #darksideshow #myhomevibe #ckstyleaccordingly #darkinteriors #moreismoredecor #currentdesignsituation #realhomes #elledecor #pocketofmyhome #designsponge #myeclecticmix #howyouhome #apartmenttherapy #edhweekendmakeover #myhyggehome #eclecticdecor #interiors123 #fafffriday #abigailaherncolour #calihomevibes #allthingsmetric #mybhg #howyouhome #finditstyleit #newbohemians #colourmyhome #elledecor #fearlesshome #thisiswhyihavetothriftshopeveryday

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Sundays are for being thankful today i am thankful for the fact that it isnt raining and falling down in a much dryer mud as opposed to a sludgy one was one of this week "mars moment" for me - as much as i love dog walking seeing my hubby not raising an eyebrow when i ended up comming back looking like one of the @doodlejac dogs says a lot i am also being thankful to @ageofreasonstudios for my cushion - it matches my eye makeup perfectly now Have a accident free Sunday guys xx wall-but i had to try them all in the living room first #sassyhomestyle #atmine #darksideshow #myhomevibe #abigailahern #styleitdark #darkinteriors #moreismoredecor #currentdesignsituation #realhomes #elledecor #pocketofmyhome #designsponge #myeclecticmix #howyouhome #apartmenttherapy #myboldhues #myhyggehome #eclecticdecor #interiors123 #fafffriday #abigailaherncolour #ikeaatmine #allthingsmetric #thisiswhyihavetothriftshopeveryday #howyouhome #finditstyleit #colourmyhome #elledecor #moreismoredecor #areyoufauxreal #darkinteriors

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Morning guys - so while most of you were sleeping hubby wasnt so i was playing around with photography prints and a gorge skull from @nickiekellydotcom ( who happened to visit me this week -OMG shes such a down to earth and lovely girl !) anyway those prints are soon to be framed in white frames just like @weramused "oh my" print and will go on my daughter gallery wall-but i had to try them all in the living room first #sassyhomestyle #atmine #darksideshow #myhomevibe #abigailahern #styleitdark #darkinteriors #moreismoredecor #currentdesignsituation #realhomes #elledecor #pocketofmyhome #designsponge #myeclecticmix #howyouhome #apartmenttherapy #myboldhues #myhyggehome #eclecticdecor #interiors123 #fafffriday #abigailaherncolour #ikeaatmine #allthingsmetric #thisiswhyihavetothriftshopeveryday #howyouhome #finditstyleit #colourmyhome #elledecor #moreismoredecor #areyoufauxreal #darkinteriors

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